“Starry Night” at ThSF: Come to observe the Universe!

26 September, 2018 News

Technology and science today offer us all the means necessary to get to know the Universe and the infinite, fascinating celestial bodies in the night-sky, almost nothing can compare to the thrill you get when you have the opportunity to observe them up close with a telescope. This is why  Astronomical Observational Society of Larissa (“A-POLARIS”) and  Social Cooperative Enterprise (KoinSEp) “ENASTRON”  invite you to the Thessaly Science Festival on Saturday October 13th, at 21:00, for a magical night of observation of the night sky!

Observing the Universe from… our back-yard

Using even a small telescope that anyone could set up in their back-yard or outdoors, thousands of objects of the night sky are visible: From the craters of our own Moon and the planets of the solar system, to faraway galaxies. Observing celestial bodies is a unique experience of knowledge and discovery.

Come with us to explore the starry sky and discover the magic of the universe!


Title: “Starry Night” at ThSF || Date: Saturday October 13th|| In the forecourt of the “Mill of Pappas”||