The secrets of plants at the Thessaly Science Festival

22 September, 2018 News

How many of the pharmaceutical substances, the pigments, natural preservatives and soaps that we use every day come from plants? But in our effort to produce all these useful products in ever-increasing quantities we hurt the environment or endanger plant biodiversity. The team of the laboratory of Plant Biotechnology and Environment of the Biochemistry Department of the University of Thessaly is coming to the Thessaly Science Festival from the 11tth to the 13th of October to explain to us with interactive live experiments how biotechnology can offer a solution to the problem with alternative methods.

Biotechnology as a tool to protect the environment

As Dr. Ntantami, Biologist, and Dr Garagounis, Biochemist, will explain, biotechnology is not a danger but rather an ally for environmental protection. The science of biotechnology is the key for understanding how plants provide us with the desired products, but also how we can produce them in environmentally friendly ways.

How do you make a plant… “turn red like a beetroot”?

During the live experiments, they are going to use simple methods to show us how biotechnology can change the colour of a tobacco plant! This is only one example of the immense potential of this ever-evolving scientific field, which enters the deepest secrets of the function of plant DNA and provides us with valuable knowledge about sustainable production of food and drugs.

Come to find out more about the amazing properties of plants at the live experiments exhibition of Thessaly Science Festival!

Title: Plants: Food,drug and colour factories || Dates: 11-13th October || Live Experiments||